Thursday, June 23, 2016

Rainy days and elephants

As I walked into the clinic today and saw all the doctors sitting down at the table I gathered that today was very slow. Sahana told me that in the time she had arrived they had only seen one case and it was parvo. The reason it was so slow today was because of the rain. It was cloudy and cool all day today which was nice for me but was not enjoyable for everyone else. Dr. Ganesh Kumar said that people here are scared to drive in the rain so when there is a day like this one not many cases will come until it clears out. While we were waiting for some kind of rush, a couple cows came in for artificial insemination. Sahana inseminated a cow twice in a row correctly (this is a huge deal, this is actually very hard to do)! She was in better spirits after that which was nice because everyone else looked exhausted. Parvo case after parvo case after parvo case came in after that and by eleven o'clock, I was ready to never see another parvo case ever again. To pass the time, Dr. Ganesh Kumar took Sagamitra, Sahana, and I to see the local temple elephant. Trichy has three temple elephants in the area and Lakshmi was the one our clinic was responsible for. When we first walked in, I could not keep my eyes off of her; she was gorgeous. We got to see her molars, which I found out often fall out in elephants and will regrow. Also female elephants have really short tusks and males have the really long ones. Lakshmi is 25 years old and has been working as a temple elephant since she was 2. After a few pictures we fed her biscuits and she blessed us (booped us on the head). We headed back to the clinic and treated yet another round of parvo cases.
Left to right: Sahana, me, and Sagamitra 


At the private clinic the parvo and distemper cases flooded in. We did a small procedure for a hematoma on a lab, this happens when the ear of the dog fills with thick blood after irritation (why it is critical to keep your dogs ears clean). We have done this procedure several times in the polyclinic but it is done with so much more care and concern in the private clinic. The lab was actually under full anesthesia, everyone involved wore gloves, and there was an actual tube stuck in the ear to drain out excess fluid. Although this procedure is more favorable it costs over 150x as much as it does in the polyclinic and will result in the ear looking almost the exact same. In the polyclinic the ear will shrink after the procedure leaving a less than ideal result but still functioning. After this case it was pretty slow. Dr. Prasanna did inform me that in India it costs 900 US dollars to get an iphone! This is about the only thing that is cheaper to get in the US.
This girl is Susie and she was just in for a check up. Good news she is no longer having epileptic seizures! Yay for effective animal treatment! 

A happy outlook for this fella. 

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